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Tips And Tricks On How To Deal With An Unexpected Guest?

Writer: Sarah Dagamseh

It can be challenging to deal when a friend or relative comes to lunch unexpectedly, and you may need more time to prepare a good enough meal for your guests, so you will need to prepare yourself in advance. You can resort to many solutions in such cases to provide the best hospitality.

In this article, we will recommend to you a number of solutions on how to deal with such a situation:

  • Food delivery apps

It is the fastest way to order food and deliver it to your doorstep at any time. For example, you can order any kind of dish from your favorite restaurant through the Careem application and get a fantastic discount using the Careem food promo code.

  • Buy easy-to-prepare foods

When shopping for your food needs, buy canned and easy-to-prepare foods such as ready-made seasoned foods such as chicken and meat, and frozen foods such as pies, pizza, and kubbeh, etc… You can buy everything your refrigerator needs from the Carrefour hypermarket and benefit from the Carrefour promo code on your bill, and you can also Buy ready-made juices and snacks to serve your guests until the food is ready.

You can also take advantage of the many Dubai coupons that Al Coupon website offers on groceries and food delivery applications.

  • Pre-prepared foods

It is considered one of the most common methods used by many women, especially working women, as you can prepare a variety of foods and put them in the refrigerator’s freezer to take them out and heat them when needed. Here are examples of foods that can be prepared and stored in the freezer of your refrigerator:

  1. Seasoning whole or pulled chicken, fish, or steak cuts.
  2. Cut different types of vegetables and put them in bags so that you can extract and cook them quickly.
  3. Preparing pancakes, samosas, kibbeh, and shishbarak.

Tips for doing the best hospitality duty

You may feel anxious when a guest or family member suddenly comes to lunch, but if you prepare well and follow the above tips, you can serve the best lunch for your guests. 

  1. Choose an easily prepared dish, and avoid preparing complex and time-consuming foods. Here are the most important of these tips:
  2. Download food delivery applications so that you can use them when you need them, the most important of which is the Careem food delivery application.
  3. Look for offers and discount coupons to buy everything you need at the lowest cost.
  4. Serve the food orderly and ensure that the quantity is sufficient and suitable for the number of guests.

Be friendly to your guests and thank them for their visit so that they feel glad they came.

In the end, treat your guest as you would like others to treat you because one day, you may have to visit someone else at lunchtime, and you would like to be treated well. We hope you have benefited from the information and advice on this topic about the most meaningful solutions you can resort to providing the best hospitality duty.