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M’OISHÎ: The Low-Calorie Dessert

Got that sweet craving while trying to watch your calories? M’OISHÎ has got you covered! Ranging from a minimum of 55 to a maximum of 110 calories, this mochi ice cream is sure to satisfy all your dessert cravings, while making sure your calorie count does not shoot up by hundreds.

Prepared using premium raw ingredients, sourced from Japan and the UAE, M’OISHÎ takes pride in offering its customers 100% natural (preservative and GMO-free) flavours – whether you’re looking for an indulgent dark chocolate or Nutella, a creamy strawberry cheesecake or the refreshing zest of passion fruit or yuzu lemon, M’OISHÎ showcases a variety of options that pack your favourite flavours into bite-sized treats.

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