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Mama Rita’s Wholesome Festive Offer: Turkey Take-Away Packages

We’ve officially hit the two-week countdown for festive season 2020. For those of us who won’t be traveling home & to already prepared feasts, getting a menu together for the mega-cooking session isn’t exactly a piece of cake! Mama Rita is letting you in on her special holiday offer: her festive turkey take-away packages. And the even easier part? You can pre-order it 48 hours in advance via


Turkey Sausages

Roasted Potato

Roasted Parsnip, Roasted Carrots & Green Beans

Mash Potato

Brussel Sprouts, Walnuts & Turkey Bacon

Gravy, Cranberry and Bread Sauces.

*In addition to the above package, the customer can add any of the above as extras

ORIENTAL TURKEY PACKAGE: (Turkey for 6 people)

Oriental Rice with chestnuts

Gravy, Cranberry and Bread Sauces

*Please note the vegetables need to be purchased additionally in the oriental package.


Turkey Sausages

Roasted Potato

Roasted Parsnip, Roasted Carrots & Green Beans

Mash Potato

Brussel Sprouts, Walnuts & Turkey Bacon

Gravy, Cranberry and Bread Sauces.

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