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BB Social Dining Supports The Australian Rural Fire Service Starting On Australia Day

In honour of Australia Day on January 26, BB Social Dining is proud to announce that they will donate AED3 from every bottle of water sold at BB’s for one month, to support the Australian RFS (Rural Fire Service), in aid of the firefighters and volunteers that are working tirelessly to combat the raging wildfires and rebuild the devastation taking place throughout the country.

BB Social Dining believes in the power of a globally connected and unified world and in giving back to both the local and global community. They are proud to bring together a community of like-minded people to enjoy a multi-cultural experience in the heart of Dubai and create CSR initiatives that will benefit those most in need, not just locally but also worldwide.

Co-Founder Spero Panagakis says, “Being an Australian born citizen living in Dubai, it truly saddens me to think of what is happening to my beautiful country. In todays world we are fortunate to have modern technology allowing us to be in touch with family and friends, however knowing the horrific detail of how the wildfires are out of control is truly heartbreaking. All proceeds raised from this initiative will be sent to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, which is a non-profit organisation supporting the volunteer firefighters currently working night and day to battle these fires.”

About BB Social Dining

BB Social Dining is a culinary experience that leverages a collective six decades of hospitality expertise. It strives on the idea of providing inclusion, togetherness and freedom of choice. As a home-grown concept, BB’s cuisine is a reflection of various cultures and geographic regions while adding a unique and homogenous ‘BB’s twist’ to the menu – allowing them to pioneer the culinary marriage between East and West. As a result, this union is also reflected in the actions it takes towards supporting any community it can, when it can.