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Families Can Make 2020 The Start Of Healthier Eating With Humm Organic

A new year brings with it plenty of resolutions, and in many cases this includes the desire for the whole family to get on a healthier diet. But sticking to a better eating routine is easier said than done, especially for parents constantly on the go.

All too often, instead of making youngsters nutritious snacks, fast food or processed treats are just easier for busy, stressed out mums and dads.

Unfortunately, one side effect of modern day life is child obesity has become a health crisis. Recent news reports have shown that childhood obesity in the UAE is higher than the international level in developed countries, including the US and the UK.

Obesity levels in the UAE are as high as 37 percent of the population, which is double the world average.

Therefore, three entrepreneurial mothers have taken the issue in their own hands by creating a game-changing organic brand called Humm Organic for health conscious but busy families.

Hale Sener, Asli Acundas and Damla Sener Akkaynak had the same goal of providing their kids with a nutritious snack between meals and during packed weekday and weekends schedules.

“We created Humm Organic products to have a positive effect on our kids’ eating behaviour. We wanted to educate them with healthy snack alternatives instead of products full of fat, refined sugar and an excessive amount of salt which triggers addictive behaviour patterns,” explained Acundas (pictured below left), the brand’s chief of product development.

Over the past decade sugar and refined sugar products have become something of a health timebomb. Health professionals are urging parents to start training their kids’ palette at a very young age and teach them the healthy way of eating – and families who eat organically and healthily together have a much greater chance of success.

Humm Organic products have a variety of options including vegan, gluten free and nut free. With nine tasty products – both sweet and savory – the brand has a snack to satisfy even the most picky eaters.

Humm Organic products where created with a passion for giving families the best eating options. With current agricultural trends, where chemicals and artificial products are regularly present in the soil, the necessity of consuming organic has started to play a vital role in health.

Humm Organic only works with the best local suppliers who grow the right products, in the right season, using only natural methods.

Certified organic foods must be grown without the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), pesticides, antibiotics and hormones. The organic process starts from the soil and ends with the final product. It has also been proven that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food. For example organic food contains more Vitamin C and antioxidants that protect the plant naturally.

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