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The Number Of Car Accidents Has Decreased. How To Prevent Further Growth

Before we talk about statistics, we want to tell you that a rented car is better than your own. There are several reasons for this. The first of these is savings – for a rented car, you do not need to give out tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. The second is accessibility – you can rent a car for any day and time, and you can also do it online on the website of a car rental company, for example, The third is also affordability, but the availability and breadth of choice of cars – you can Rent a G63, or rent a supercar or SUV. And the main advantage, in our humble opinion, is that in the event of an accident through no fault of yours, you will not incur any expenses. A small plus to this – is you can choose any other car and it doesn’t matter where you are on a long-awaited vacation or in yourself in the city. Well, now to the statistics!

The number of car accidents has decreased

According to published statistics prepared by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of road accidents in 2022 decreased by 2021 compared to 2021. It is also worth noting that the number of deaths in these car accidents decreased by 0.2%.

Another interesting statistic was that after the pandemic, the number of people who drive cars began to increase. Car mileage increased by as much as 1.6%.

But we are talking about the number of dead drivers and their passengers. If we take into account pedestrians and cyclists, then everything is not so optimistic. Pedestrian and cyclist deaths have risen in 25 states. Ann Carlson (administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in an interview said that their death rate has not increased, but due to such a large increase in cars on the roads, everything can change dramatically, so they must do everything so that the number of incidents with pedestrians and cyclists does not that is, to take even more care of their safety.

There are also statistics of those who died as a result of accidents. Let’s start with the positive, the number of deaths has decreased:

  • by 2% in speeding accidents;
  • by 10% in children under 16;
  • by 7% among those not fastened.

The number of deaths has increased:

  • by 2% among pedestrians;
  • by 8% among cyclists;
  • 5 among motorcyclists.

Both “positive” and negative statistics tell us that we need to be careful when driving, walking, or cycling. But how can you protect yourself?

A little about security

Road safety is a key issue for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. All of them must take measures to protect themselves and other road users. We will look at a few tips that will help reduce the risk of accidents and incidents on the road.

For pedestrians:

  • Use pedestrian crossings and cross the road only when the traffic light is green;
  • If you are walking at night, wear reflective clothing and shoes to make it easier to see you on the road;
  • Do not use a mobile phone or listen to music with headphones when crossing the road;
  • Look around and watch for traffic, especially when crossing the road.

For cyclists:

  • Wear a helmet and protective clothing to protect your head, body, and limbs in the event of an accident;
  • Watch for traffic lights and traffic signs and make sure you are driving in the right direction;
  • Use seat belts and do not exceed the speed limit to reduce the risk of falling or colliding with other vehicles;
  • Do not ride on sidewalks where it is prohibited and watch out for pedestrians on the road.

For drivers:

  • Observe the speed limit and do not exceed the speed limit;
  • Watch for traffic lights, traffic signs, and pedestrians, especially when crossing crosswalks;
  • Use seat belts and make sure all passengers use them too;
  • Keep a distance from other vehicles and watch their movement;
  • Be vigilant on the road and be aware that many pedestrians and cyclists may be less visible on the road.

Finally, the most important advice for all road users is to be careful and responsible. Respect other road users and remember that road safety is everyone’s business. Obey the rules of the road and be prepared to act in the event of an accident or incident. Together we can make roads safer for everyone.

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